
During my work advising teachers about ways to teach maths concepts I have developed and created a range of math resources for teachers. Some of these I am compiling into books, posters and class sets of games ready to play. Others I have available for free download. See below.

To ask about purchasing any resources please contact me.

Games / Resources – class sets – AVAILABLE NOW               $15.00 per class set + postage (not laminated) 

Three-in-a-row games: Class sets (Click on this link to see available titles)

If you like the idea of the three-in-a-row games but don’t have the time to copy, cut and make up the games you can purchase a class-set of each game prepared for you. All games in the Three-in-a-row games book are available as class sets ready to play.

three-in-a-row game


Black-line Masters – AVAILABLE NOW

Computation posters (Cost depends on size, laminated or not, quantity)

I believe that strategy-based computation should be the focus of computation instruction in primary school. I have spent many years researching strategies used in schools and outside of school for computation. I compiled a list and organised the strategies into categories with names that I believe make sense to students and teachers. I have developed a set of posters to support learning of these strategies in classrooms. Posters are available in A3, A4, A5 or A6 sizes, laminated or not, in colour or black and white.

BASIC FACTS: There are posters for basic facts for each operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) using strategies

COMPUTATION STRATEGIES: There are posters for computation strategies beyond basic facts each operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Examples use whole numbers but the strategies also work with decimals and fractions.

Each strategy – basic facts and computation also has a poster of its own.

math resources for teachers - computation poster - addition   math resources for teachers Strategy poster BU1

To ask about purchasing any math resources for teachers please contact me.


ten frames (3 on one page)

Teen frames (2) (ten frames for developing teen numbers)

ten frames for place value (tens and ones) (masters of ten frames as a tens and ones place value material)




Conceptual Development series.

I am currently working on a series of teacher reference books that will outline concepts that underlie much of school mathematics. This series is in the early stages of development.

Planned titles include:

  • Teaching Number – Counting, Place Value, Fractions, Basic Facts, Computation strategies
  • Teaching Measurement
  • Teaching Algebra
  • Teaching Geometry

Three-in-a row games: Black-line Masters.

These books contain black-line masters for games in the same format where the aim is to get three of your counters in a row on the game board.

These games are designed to reinforce and practise mathematical concepts or strategies.

The games are applicable across many year levels as they can be used to teach or to reinforce or re-teach a concept.

Titles include:

Three-in-a-row game book - early number addition subtraction math resources for teachers                math resources for teachers - three-in-a-row game

To ask about purchasing any resources please contact me.