
I have developed sets of posters to support teachers and students using strategies for Basic Facts and for computation beyond basic facts.

Basic Fact Strategy posters

  • Basic fact summary posters – one poster for each operation (Addition shown below)

computation posters 2

  • Basic fact  individual detail posters (Think Ten strategy poster shown below)

computation posters 5

Computation Strategy posters – operations beyond basic facts

  • Strategy summary posters (Addition below)

computation poster - addition

  • Strategy individual detail posters (Addition – Break Up 1 Number shown below)

Strategy poster BU1

All of these posters are available for sale as downloadable pdf files in the following formats:

  • Basic Facts: summary posters (4 posters) $5.00
  • Operation concepts and Basic Fact summary posters (8 posters) $6.00
  • Basic Facts: summary and individual detail posters (37 posters)$15.00
  • Computation strategies (beyond basic facts): summary posters (4 posters) $10.00
  • Computation strategies (beyond basic facts): summary posters and individual detail posters (34 posters) $20.00
  • Computation strategy summary and individual detail posters and Basic fact summary and individual posters (70 posters) $30.00

I have an online store on the Teachers Pay Teachers website: Making Maths Reason-able

Or contact me directly.